Tar Filesystem

A filesystem implementation for .tar files.

class fs.tarfs.ReadTarFS(file, encoding='utf-8')

A readable tar file.

class fs.tarfs.TarFS(wrap_fs)

Read and write tar files.

There are two ways to open a TarFS for the use cases of reading a tar file, and creating a new one.

If you open the TarFS with write set to False (the default), then the filesystem will be a read only filesystem which maps to the files and directories within the tar file. Files are decompressed on the fly when you open them.

Here’s how you might extract and print a readme from a tar file:

with TarFS('foo.tar.gz') as tar_fs:
    readme = tar_fs.gettext('readme.txt')

If you open the TarFS with write set to True, then the TarFS will be a empty temporary filesystem. Any files / directories you create in the TarFS will be written in to a tar file when the TarFS is closed. The compression is set from the new file name but may be set manually with the compression argument.

Here’s how you might write a new tar file containing a readme.txt file:

with TarFS('foo.tar.xz', write=True) as new_tar:
        'This tar file was written by PyFilesystem'
  • file (str or file) – An OS filename, or a open file object.
  • write (bool) – Set to True to write a new tar file, or False to read an existing tar file.
  • compression (str) – Compression to use (one of the formats supported by tarfile: xz, gz, bz2, or None).
  • temp_fs (str) – An opener string for the temporary filesystem used to store data prior to tarring.
class fs.tarfs.WriteTarFS(file, compression=None, encoding='utf-8', temp_fs='temp://__tartemp__')

A writable tar file.

write_tar(file=None, compression=None, encoding=None)

Write tar to a file.


This is called automatically when the TarFS is closed.

  • file (str or file-like) – Destination file, may be a file name or an open file object.
  • compression – Compression to use (one of the constants defined in the tarfile module in the stdlib).