Temporary Filesystem

A temporary filesytem is stored in a location defined by your OS (/tmp on linux). The contents are deleted when the filesystem is closed.

A TempFS is a good way of preparing a directory structure in advance, that you can later copy. It can also be used as a temporary data store.

class fs.tempfs.TempFS(identifier=None, temp_dir=None, auto_clean=True, ignore_clean_errors=True)

Create a temporary filesystem.

  • identifier (str) – A string to distinguish the directory within the OS temp location, used as part of the directory name.
  • temp_dir (str) – An OS path to your temp directory (leave as None to auto-detect)
  • auto_clean (bool) – If True, the directory contents will be wiped on close.
  • ignore_clean_errors (bool) – If True, any errors in the clean process will be raised. If False, they will be suppressed.

Clean (delete) temporary files created by this filesystem.